What purpose does HR management (HRM) serve in an organization?

MGMT 410 Human Resource Management Devry
Week 1
Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 1

The Purpose of HRM (Graded)

What purpose does HR management (HRM) serve in an organization?
(Please remember that proper APA citation is required for ALL course work, including our discussions. This means that any material you borrow from the Internet, our textbook, or any other source MUST be set in quotation marks and the source noted. Then you MUST add your own thoughts and ideas to the borrowed material. Borrowed material must never dominate a student’s work.)

Week 1: Understanding HRM – Discussion 2

Functions of HRM (Graded)

What are the four basic HRM functions? How exactly do these functions assist the organization in reaching its goals?

Week 1 Assignment:
Strategic Linkages Assignment (550+ Words)