What is the most common form of pre-departure training?

BUS 325 Week 8 Quiz 6

• Question 1

The employee who trains the HCN is usually:

• Question 2

A useful way for employees to gain a broader perspective of an MNE is:

• Question 3

The final stage in the expatriation process is:

• Question 4

Expatriates appearing to have greater job satisfaction during and after their international assignment had:

• Question 5

This type of employee may comprise the largest contingent of employees in international businesses

• Question 6

Guarantee of a position at home upon completion of an overseas assignment was only given in one country as reported in a survey by Tung-Arthur Anderson in 1997. That country is:

• Question 7

The “affective approach” to training partially consists of:

• Question 8

Training and development is a critical component of an international assignee because:

• Question 9


• Question 10

An indication of how important training and development has become in multinationals is reflected in that they have:

• Question 11

What is a main reason for multinationals to hire an “international itinerants?”

• Question 12

Language skills are important in terms of:

• Question 13

Boundaryless careerists are:

• Question 14

International expertise is an outcome of

• Question 15

What is the most common form of pre-departure training?