What are the important ideas in the play and how are the significantly or poorly carried out in the production?

I??????????????????????n this 4-page paper you will write about the production of Brecht’s play I’ve linked to on Canvas. You will explain several key parts of the production and give some sense of the play as whole. Your thesis and conclusion will explain your own independent perspective on the production, whether it carried off the text of the play and did some justice to the ideas in Brecht’s play.Writing GuidelinesYour introduction should state the name of the play and the author. You need to set up the analysis of the production. What is the theatre company, when was this performed, etc.? What should your reader know at the beginning? Your thesis should explain your own idea about the quality of the production of the play. What are the important ideas in the play and how are the significantly or poorly carried out in the production?You need a least two or three body paragraphs. Your body paragraphs must analyze and explain some important parts of the play and its production. Choose at least two specific sections of the production to analyze in some detail.In your conclusion, you must develop your thesis idea about the production. What do you think of the production of the play?RequirementsYour paper must be 4-pages long at a minimum. Please write in Times Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced, with reasonable?????????????????????? margins.Your paper must have at least four paragraphs. You must quote the text at least two different times and offer explanations of those quotations.Please offer some comments on the play: mention lines or quote parts of the play; describe scenes and specific actors; give a sense of the sets design and how the play is carried out.You must offer your own perspective about what are the important themes in the play and how the production does or does not develop them.Please use the book of the play and at least one other outside source for your essay.A well-developed, well-organized, well-focused essay will include the following:An introduction which provides your reader with the necessary background information s/he will need in order to understand the topic of your essay.A clearly–stated thesis at the end of your introduction which presents your overall argument and which directly answers the essay prompt questions.Well-organized paragraphs containing topic sentences supported by details, explanation, and analysis.Evidence from at least two sections of the poem to support your argument.Correct use of MLA format for both parenthetical references to the text (quotations and paraphrase) as well as a Works Cited page at the end of your essay.Careful and thorough proofreading.Rub??????????????????????ric