What are the costs and application rules for obtaining each of these ID cards?

TOPIC #6: ARE NEW VOTING REQUIREMENTS DISCRIMINATORY? Approximately 18 states (including Florida) changed their voting laws after the 2020 election. A: Choose 1 state that changed its law and compare/contrast the voting law provisions in effect at the time of the 2020 election with the changes enacted after the election. Quote the textbook on which part of the policy-making process was most important in making the changes. (Florida would be a good choice as one of the states that changed its voting laws.) If voter IDs were added to the law, what specific types of ID cards will be accepted? (Driver license, active military ID, retired military ID, student ID from a state school, etc). What are the costs and application rules for obtaining each of these ID cards? Which racial groups, political parties, age groups, etc., will be negatively impacted by the new law you analyzed? What do public opinion surveys show about these changes? See especially Pew and Rasmussen public opinion polling organizations. If you choose Georgia as the state to analyze, see: org/2021/04/factchecking-claims-about-the-georgia-voting-law/ B: Compare and contrast the views of liberal and conservatives on the trend toward tighter voting restrictions. This will be a general discussion not based specifically on one state. See The Brennan Center for Justice. Label each as “liberal” or “professional” on your Works Cited Page. Only use ONE of the following in your essay: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/voting-laws-roundup-july-2021?ms=gad_voter%20suppression%20laws_537288003803_8626214133_123821431365&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvcein7KV8wIVrItaBR0R0gTjEAAYAiAAEgIOdvD_BwE (Links to an external site.) Label as “liberal” or “professional” source on your Works Cited Page. org/our-work/analysis-opinion/lawmakers-are-targeting-courts-could-shoot-down-voter-suppression-laws?ms=gad_voting%20laws_526746628492_8628877148_124163811540&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsua837aV8wIVAZyGCh3DTAwzEAAYASAAEgKh4fD_BwE Label as “liberal” or “professional” on your Works Cited Page. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/great-vote-suppression-campaign-2021 The following public figures have been vocal about their support for the new laws. Find quotations from their speeches and/or websites. Also quote from interest group websites. Ted Cruz (R-Tx) Marco Rubio (R-Florida) Former President Trump Former VP Mike Pence Gov DeSantis (R Florida) Official position of the Republican Party (label as conservative) at: com/committee_on_election_integrity The following public figures have been vocal in their opposition to the new restrictive voting laws. Quohkzte also from the websites of interest groups.