To prepare for your Final Child Observation, tell us in which environments (home, school, recess, park, etc.) you have observed the child and when (include dates). Describe at least 2 environments in which you’ve observed (or will observe) and tell us how those environments may impact your child, based on this week’s readings.

To prepare for your Final Child Observation, tell us in which environments (home, school, recess, park, etc.) you have observed the child and when (include dates).
Describe at least 2 environments in which you’ve observed (or will observe) and tell us how those environments may impact your child, based on this week’s readings.
(This can be included as part of your Final Field Work Paper!)
To develop and learn, young children need a supportive and stimulating learning environment. There are many factors that need to be considered in creating such a learning environment. Feel free to discuss any of these possible topics that apply to your child:
Warm and caring relationships
A stimulating environment (the environment as the third teacher)
An inclusive learning environment
A stimulating outdoor environment (for example, the advantages and disadvantages of plastic vs wooden)
Risk-taking vs safety
A paragraph (300 words)
Please include all of this
– – we are identifying the child as “A” and he is 4 years old
– I have observed him at the public library and in my home doing a craft
– Use the readings to talk about how they might impact my child
I also attached the notes I took of my child to see if they help in writing this
Please use APA format