Reflect upon the major media market that you chose for your short paper in Module Three. As in the scenario described in the lecture, you have been hired to buy media for a travel and tourism client specializing in trips to a popular U.S. destination. You have $100,000 to spend. Based on what you know about the audience and the cost of the media in that market, write a short paper describing how you would spend $100,000. Be sure to justify your spending choices.

Reflect upon the major media market that you chose for your short paper in Module Three. As in the scenario described in the lecture, you have been hired to buy media for a travel and tourism client specializing in trips to a popular U.S. destination. You have $100,000 to spend. Based on what you know about the audience and the cost of the media in that market, write a short paper describing how you would spend $100,000. Be sure to justify your spending choices.
What to Submit
Short papers should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Page-length requirements: 1–2 pages.