Public Administrators have a variety of methods to approach making changes within an agency. Compare and contrast the rational decision-making approach and incrementalism. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each (in theory and in practice).
Public Administrators have a variety of methods to approach making changes within an agency. Compare and contrast the rational decision-making approach and incrementalism. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each (in theory and in practice). Cite at least one source, which may be your textbook. 75-100 words
Based on this weeks topics, organizational theory and decision making in administration, find a relevant, recent and credible news piece (article or video). Suggested sites on which to find credible news include The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, or NPR, just to name a few. Provide a summary of the piece and identify aspects of the story that relate to organizational theory and decision making in administration. Be sure to include a link or attachment of your news piece and cite your source. 75-100 words.