If you were a child protection professional or child advocate, explain some of your key roles and responsibilities. Describe the elements involved in casework and Family Case Planning.

As you work toward earning your bachelor’s degree in Human Services, you might wonder about the different internship experiences that would be the best fit for you or the types of career opportunities available after you graduate. In this assignment, you can give more thought to what it would be like to be part of the child protection system and have the chance to assess potential volunteer, internship, and employment options that interest you.
You can begin by reading Chapters 5 and 6 in your Child Welfare and Child Protection text. Next, you will review the peer-reviewed journal article “Children’s consent to child welfare services: Some explorative remarks (attached) then examine the following websites:
Florida Department of Children and Families (https://www.myflfamilies.com/)
Florida Department of Children and Families: Employment Opportunities (https://www.myflfamilies.com/careers)
Statewide Guardian Ad Litem Office (https://guardianadlitem.org/)
About UNICEF (https://www.unicef.org/about-unicef)
You will address the following topics and questions in your paper:
If you were a child protection professional or child advocate, explain some of your key roles and responsibilities. Describe the elements involved in casework and Family Case Planning.
Which parts of the job do you think you would like best? Which would you like least?
Consider an international perspective on child protection and highlight the implications of taking a relational approach to children’s consent (as addressed in the peer-reviewed journal article).
Discuss significant judicial responses and legal outcomes in the child protection system and how they relate to child protection professionals’ roles and responsibilities and permanency options.
Explore the services and potential volunteer and employment opportunities in child advocacy and child protection highlighted in the websites provided above.
What do each of these agencies do? Explain their role in child protection and child advocacy.
Describe some of the opportunities or positions that you would consider applying to in the future.
What are the key qualifications that you need?
What steps could you take to obtain the expected qualifications and experience?
What do you like about these positions, and why did they stand out to you?
Your paper will be a total of approximately four or more pages (double-spaced). You will include one additional page for references.