How does this company compare to your selected company in regards to DEI and CSR?
In your responses to your peers, address the following questions:
? How does this company compare to your selected company in
regards to DEI and CSR?
? What suggestions do you have to improve your classmate’s
plan for their project team?
Peer 1:
Alex Anderson
Hello Everyone,
The company that I am researching is AT&T, one of the leading cellular service providers in the
nation. While researching the companys position on DEI and CSR, I found a lot of good
information that shows a commitment to doing right by their workforce and their customers.
AT&T has a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion page that not only includes details about how they
plan to continue growing their DEI program, but they also include raw data to outline the
companys workforce. On top of providing raw data about their workforce, they have several
initiatives in place that seem to support a variety of diverse causes. One that I would like to
highlight is the pledge they signed in 2019 called The Hispanic Promise, which is AT&Ts
promise to hire, promote, retain and celebrate Hispanics in the workplace.
For my own project, I would love for AT&T to continue showing its commitment to DEI while
supporting the growth of my project. I think these initiatives are great for identifying talent that
can provide great contributions now and in the future.
AT&T also does a great job of detailing their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.
AT&T has a mission to connect people and to keep them connected. The theme of connection is
spread all throughout the companys infrastructure and policies. They commit to their mission by
promoting opportunities for access to resources for those who are underprivileged. One of the
initiatives they have is called the Connected Learning Program, which they leverage to support
education and help connect students to valuable resources.
The project I am working on details how AT&T can provide an upgrade to their service which
would be known as Unrestricted Cellular Service, something that current customers can opt
into or something that new customers can sign up for when they switch to AT&T as a cell service
carrier. The idea is to achieve a partnership with satellite providers (or potentially launch their
own), to be able to offer service in areas that are currently unreliable. I believe this service lines
up perfectly with AT&Ts mission to connect their customers by providing reliable service across
the continental United States. Competitively, this should bring new customers, especially
traveling customers that have dealt with subpar connections from other cellular service
Best regards,
Peer 2:
Epifania Hisatake
Hello, Everyone.
Dutch Bros Inc., the popular coffee chain, places importance on both diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI) initiatives and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs as part of its
corporate values. Regarding DEI, the company is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive
workforce, ensuring equal opportunities for all employees regardless of their backgrounds. “We
are massively proud of our employees and stand with them in the fullness of their identities,
including their race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and age” (Dutch Bros Coffee,
2023). The company works with coalitions such as The Coalition to Back Black Business, The
Association of Women’s Business Centers, and The Special Olympics to name a few (Dutch Bros
Coffee, 2023). This commitment provides recruiting and retaining a diverse team, providing
inclusive training, and promoting a workplace culture that values different perspectives.
In terms of CSR, Dutch Bros Inc. is engaged in various initiatives that support the communities it
serves and promote environmental sustainability. “Dutch Bros is taking meaningful and
measurable action in philanthropy; sustainability; and diversity, equity and inclusion to drive us
toward our vision of making a massive difference, one cup at a time” (Dutch Bros Coffee,2023).
This involves community engagement efforts, charitable donations, or partnerships with local
organizations to give back to the communities where they operate (Dutch Bros Coffee, 2023).
Additionally, Dutch Bros have sustainability programs coming soon aimed at reducing their
environmental footprint, such as recycling initiatives or sourcing ethically-produced coffee
beans, aligning their operations with broader CSR objectives (Dutch Bros Coffee, 2023).
With my service of utilizing the Monthly Mix to allow a customer to create their own coffee
every month, get free coffee for that month, and engage with them through the app will help get
more feedback. One of the threats on the company’s SWOT Analysis was that there is stiff
competition such as Starbucks and Caribou Coffee (MarketLine Dutch Bros Inc., 2023). This
service can help draw other coalitions to help raise money for certain charities and fundraisers. In
turn, it can help build more revenue and more room for growth. The monthly mix can also help
get feedback from customers to help keep up with trends, build trust with the community, and
help give back.
Dutch Bros Coffee. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 2023.
MarketLine Dutch Bros Inc., 2023.