Explain the similarities and differences between deviance and crime, and provide examples.

Select ONLY ONE of questions below and answer it completely. Cite your sources and use MLA, It should be between a paragraph and a page long.
1) Explain the similarities and differences between deviance and crime, and provide examples.
2) Explain the seven forms of transnational criminality that are in the wheel of terrorism, and explain their relationship to terrorism.
3) Contrast the consensus model and conflict model of law and crime.
4) Discuss Edwin H. Sutherland’s definition of criminology and why criminology can be described as a multidiscipline.
5) Describe the seven basic requirements for a human event to qualify as a crime according to Jerome Hall.
6) Explain what “typologies of crime” are, why typologies of crime are important, and provide examples that are discussed in the text.
7) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Uniform Crime Reports, the National Crime Victimization Survey, and various self-report surveys in estimating the nature and extent of crime in the United States.
8) Discuss the principles of classical criminology, making reference to the works of both Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham.
9) Differentiate between psychological determinism and sociological determinism, including the scholars associated with each perspective.
10) Emile Durkheim had a powerful influence on contemporary criminology. Discuss Durkheim’s influence on criminology, making sure to discuss his most important contribution.
11) Discuss the psychoanalytic theory of criminality. Make sure to include a discussion of Freud’s contributions to the psychological perspective on criminality.
12) Discuss the three phases of moral development and which phase is most related to delinquency and criminality according to Lawrence Kohlberg and his colleagues.
13) The concept of “biocriminology” is offensive to many people. Discuss the criticisms of biocriminology.