Explain generics in C#. What are reasons for using generics? How do generics apply to collections? Write the code for a small example using C# code.

 (a)   Explain generics in C#. What are reasons for using generics? How do generics apply to collections? Write the code for a small example using C# code.
  Ref: Chapter 7, Starting Out with Visual C#, pages 444 to 455.
     (b) Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:
 Provide an example in which polymorphism would be useful. Write the code for the example. Explain its use of polymorphism using C# code.
Ref: Chapter 10, Starting Out with Visual C#, page 599.
Week 4 DQ 2:
DQ 2  :
(a)   What Event is raised when the class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface?
(b)   How does the IDataErrorInfo interface triggers the display of the error message from a bound textbox ?
Provide the XAML code needed for a textbox bound to the Classification property of the Fireman class shown in this Lecture’s code example.
 Ref: ValidationwithWPF project posted under Course Materials
       How to use IDataErrorInfo

WPF Tutorial – How to use IDataErrorInfo in WPF

Week 4 DQ Assignments:
Kudler Fine Foods Inventory Management Systems (VB vs C# Pro’s & Con’s)
POS 409 Week 4 Individual Inheritance.