Examine various aspects of the culture of the organization: facts, practices, vocabulary, stories, rituals, and relevant constructs. (A relevant construct is any major idea or metaphor upon which the organization relies.)What makes the organization unique? What kind of image is the company trying to create? What kind of relationship between management and employees is apparent? 


Academic level: College
Type: Essay (any type)
Subject: Other / Organizational Communication
Topic: The Cultural Approaches
Style: APA
Number of pages: 1 pages/double spaced (275 words)
PowerPoint slides: 0
Number of source/references: 1
Extra features: –

Order instructions: 
 Include the following in your paper:
Examine various aspects of the culture of the organization: facts, practices, vocabulary, stories, rituals, and relevant constructs. (A relevant construct is any major idea or metaphor upon which the organization relies.)What makes the organization unique? What kind of image is the company trying to create? What kind of relationship between management and employees is apparent?