Describe the issues associated with entering into an OD process. Describe the issues associated with contracting for an OD process.
Organization Development & Change
11 edition Thomas G. Cummings Christopher G. Worley
Entering and Contracting
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Learning Objectives
Describe the issues associated with entering into an OD process.
Describe the issues associated with contracting for an OD process.
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Entering Into an OD Relationship (1)
Clarifying the Organizational Issue
What is the presenting problem?
Gain a clearer perspective of the underlying issues and symptoms
Gather enough preliminary data to make informed choices about the next steps
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Entering Into an OD Relationship (2)
Determining the Relevant Client
Identify organization members who can directly impact the change issue
Involve all relevant members in selection of an OD practitioner and the subsequent change process
Complex situations with multiple organizational units require additional data and interviews with key organization members and customers
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Entering Into an OD Relationship (3)
Selecting an OD Practitioner
Experience and Expertise
References How effective has the person been in the past, with what type of organizations, using what kinds of techniques?
OD Practitioner approaches the organization with openness and insists on diagnosis vs. having a fixed approach
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Essentials of an Effective OD Proposal
Objectives of proposed project: Statement of the goals in clear and concise terms, including measurable results
Proposed process of action plan: Description of 1) diagnosis, 2) data analysis process, 3) feedback process, and 4) action-planning process
Roles and responsibilities: List of key stakeholders in the process, including the OD practitioner, and the specific responsibilities for which they will be held accountable
Recommended Interventions: Description of proposed change strategies, including training, off-site meetings, systems or processes to be redesigned, and other activities
Fees, terms and conditions: Provide an outline of fees and expenses associated with the project
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Developing a Contract (1)
Mutual Expectations
Outcomes and deliverables are clearly stated
Clearly defined working relationships and involvement of stakeholders
Expectations of OD Practitioner are clear (publishing cases and results)
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Developing a Contract (2)
Time and Resources
Access to client, key managers, members
Access to information
Ground Rules
Practitioners role in the process
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Interpersonal Process Issues in
Entering and Contracting (1)
Client Issues
Exposed and vulnerable in admitting the need for assistance and dependency on the practitioner to provide help
Inadequate in the ability to solve the organizations problems
Fear of losing control
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Interpersonal Process Issues in
Entering and Contracting (2)
OD Practitioner Issues
Worthiness and Competency
Over identification
Under estimate the importance of the entry and contracting phase
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Factors Affecting
Client-Practitioner Dynamics
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