Describe five distinct (differentiated from each other) observable skills or knowledge sets that you could help learners to acquire and demonstrate through your teaching module.

Using the template uploaded, please provide the required detailed information on the topic selected and summarize the five-week learning module in which you will share your expertise.
1] You will identify the competencies you want learners to acquire
and create a cohesive plan for instruction and assessment,
based on the adult learning models.
2] Save the template to your own files and use it for your
assignment submission, replacing the italicized text with your
unique information about your teaching module.
3] Provide enough information or context with sufficient detail
that any social work leader would be able to present essentially
the same module based on the information and instruction you
4] The eight main bullet points that follow correspond to the
grading criteria for this assignment:
5] Define competencies that learners should acquire related to a
chosen topic.
6] Describe five distinct (differentiated from each other)
observable skills or knowledge sets that you could help
learners to acquire and demonstrate through your teaching
7] Create a cohesive plan for instruction and assessment.
A “cohesive plan” will display alignment between and among
the competencies and each element of the teaching module
(objectives, readings, five-week lesson plan, talking points,
technology, and assessments).
8] It should be easy to see how the planned instruction (readings,
lesson plan, talking points, and technology) will enable learners
to achieve the competencies.
9] It should be easy to see how each objective is a demonstration
of the specific competency.
10] It should be easy to see how the planned assessments will
allow the instructor to evaluate whether learners have achieved
the competencies.
11] Explain strategies for the integration of technologies into
course delivery.
12] Apply the best technology resources -select 3–5 programs or
applications that will help learners develop the competencies
you identified for the module.
13] Provide specific justification for each technology, taking adult
education models, learning styles, and abilities, as well as the
desired competencies, into consideration.
14] Explain how you applied adult learning theories and models in
your plans for the learning module.
15] Justify course activities (including competencies, objectives, instructional materials, lesson plans, technology, assessment, and so on) based on adult learning theories and models.
You are not expected to generate a theory-based justification for each activity; rather, you can choose from among your planned activities to show how your plans for the teaching module are grounded in what you have learned about adult learning theories and models in this course.
16] Integrate key aspects of diversity and social inclusion in
teaching strategies.
17] Provide concepts for diversity, equity, and inclusion
18] Explain the role that diversity, equity, and inclusion played in
the planning of your teaching module.
19] Explain how your teaching module could contribute to a
culture of inclusion, equity, and diversity.
Integrate key aspects of the NASW Code of Ethics and the
NASW Standards for Technology in Teaching Strategies.
20] Explain the role that the concepts covered in the NASW Code
of Ethics and the NASW Standards for Technology played in
the planning of your teaching module.
Please ensure the following
A] Defines competencies that learners should acquire related to a
chosen topic; the competencies provide a sufficient descriiption.
of knowledge, skills, abilities, or attributes related to the topic.
B] Creates a cohesive plan for instruction and assessment.
insightful details provide relevant, credible support for the plan.
C] Explains strategies for the integration of technologies into
course delivery, supported by insightful justification for each
technology that takes adult education models, learning styles
and abilities, and the desired competencies into consideration.
D] Explains how adult learning theories and models are applied in
the plans for the learning module and identify areas of
uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and/or additional?information that
could be gathered for future improvement of the plan.
E] Integrates key aspects of diversity and social inclusion in
teaching strategies and clearly explains how the teaching
module could contribute to a culture of inclusion, equity, and
F] Integrates key aspects of the NASW Code of Ethics and the
NASW Standards for Technology in Teaching Strategies,
providing a clear and insightful explanation
Reading Resources
PowerPoint Presentation uploaded please use as your main resource for information.
Will students actually want to do this assignment?
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Journal Title: Chronicle of Higher Education
ISSN: 0009-5982
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