Demonstrate an understanding and background to sustainable business operations.

A??????????????????????ssessment BriefIndividually you will produce a briefing paper for a business outlining the steps the business could take to develop their sustainability commitment and in particular, improve an element of their operations. You will need to select an appropriate and relevant business for this task.You will consider the pressures upon the business to become more sustainable, the challenges it might face, the developments in the marketplace in which they operate and outline a strategic approach to making change with potential targets and objectives.FOCUS – All reports will be a) broadly focused on becoming more sustainable in the first instance and b) will subsequently drill down on ONE OF THESE areas [unless a link is obvious] …AREAS – Energy use; Reducing plastic, Product redesign, Water use; Transport, pollution and the alternatives; Waste; Supply chains and their management; Workplace issues; CSR; Merchandising materials; Marketing Communications; or a company specific choiceAssignment 1: Your Individual Consultancy Report needs to be submitted through, Turn-it-inWord Count: 2,500 words (+ or – 10%). – Microsoft WordAssessment GuidelinesConsider a report title and title page? Consider the professional features of your report which may be used by the organisation but certainly seen by them.Part A)Introduction: Setting the scene for/of the business.Who/what is it and what does it do?Part B)Demonstrate an understanding and background to sustainable business operations.New business models and ways of operating?Part C)Outline the particular areas of concern related to your chosen type of business.What is it doing wrong (badly, unsustainably, impacts etc.…in contrast to others doing better?Part D)A critical evaluation of alternative business practices relevant to identified concern.Thought on what they might do…alternatives?Part E) Recommendations and ConclusionWhat they should do…how they should do it…include strategic thoughts…targets, outcomes, KPIs etc.Important PointsYou might bear in mind throughout your paper that the impact of change on business is the important focus (managing sustainability with the emphasis on managing). This means that you will be discussing your points in the context of the experiences, or potential experiences, of the company. However, you will need to provide full Harvard academic references throughout your briefing paper or you will lose marks. Your introduction should make this very clear.The same applies to the historical contextualisation. You are not expected to write a comprehensive history of the relationship between sustainability and business, but to highlight, explain and evaluate the impact that changes in business practice have had on the environment, as relevant to the sector of your chosen business type. Failure to follow this can result in your report not meeting the assessment requirements.You might need to weigh the benefits and costs of economic growth of the business against the costs and benefits of alternative, more sustainable practice. It may be that potential alternative business options are not economically viable for some businesses such a SME’s, and you will need to evaluate these. Business cannot simply do nothing; it faces government legislation, the law, and regulators such as the Environment Agency which have wide-ranging powers. These factors are of major importance in business planning and its response to the future.By the time you begin to write your report you will have been made aware of a number of new ways of looking at the world that may influence the way business is conducted in the future, and these views might be aired in your paper and placed in the business context. Please ensure that all points made are referenced and supported by evidence.The finished productWhen you submit your briefing paper please ensure that:• A reminder of a standard report format is provided via EBSCO. Please avoid using abstracts/ summaries at the start of your report. You need to focus your on providing detailed and appropriate information relevant to the report.• Use appendices for extra information.• Each page is numbered• Use 1.5 spaced typing and 11 point font.• Include your Student ID, Module Code, Module Title and Assessment Number on your Title Page.References and StructurePart of the process of developing a good academic writing style is giving proper credit to authors whose id??????????????????????eas and information you have used. When you take notes from books or journals, take care to write down the author’s name, title of the text, the publisher, date of publication, and page numbers. All coursework must contain a bibliography containing listing all the works you have referred to and quoted from in your work. You must reference the author’s work in your text when you refer to it and list it in your bibliography. If you are in any doubt about the correct procedures for referencing please consult your course handbook.• Your assignment should be Harvard Referenced and show a range of sources. This includes all data used throughout.• Please ensure that you structure your report appropriately and check your use of spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout.Additional InfoThis is designed to help but it’s not essential.How do I choose a business?– Pick an industry/ business that you are interested in.– Select something you understand, as you will need up to date data. Look for companies where there is data available.– Pick something manageable. Don’t try and recommend changing all of Apple’s operations to make higher quality phones. You could, for example suggest a small improvement to how they recycle waste produced by their product creation.– Pick something where there’s room for improvement. You don’t need to change things radically, but you must be able to show how change will make it better.– Consider looking at current publications, news and journal articles which highlight business practices during the last 5 years.Can I make up a theoretical organisation?NoIf you are struggling to think of how to approach the assessment, you can use one of the following options which are marked according to the same criteria:1. You can choose a business or organisation (and identify a topic) of your choice for ‘arms length’ study. E.g. Consider a business or organisation which interests you, perhaps within an industry you are interested in working in.2. Choose an organisation (and identify a topic yourself) which you work for or have links with (work with, someone works with, family works with, etc …) focusing on a key sustainability issue with the focus on reforming practice.3. Select one of the following topics:a. Under normal circumstances, Bath Spa University (Organisation) engages in a range of international travel opportunities (topic): Using a range of examples and reference to strategic approaches explain how (and if) carbon offsetting schemes (topic) might be used.b. Bath Spa University (organisation) has a range of issues with estate overcrowding with private transport (cars). Explain (and reference strategic approaches) how the estates team might encourage behavioural change and greater use of sustainable transport options (issue).c. In its marketing operations Bath Festivals (organisation) utilises a lot of material and print resources. Explain how the festival might improve and make its marketing communications (issue) more sustainable.d. Bath Rugby (organisation) is interested in encouraging sustainable transport options for match day visitors (issue). Utilising strategic approaches, explain how this might be encouraged and what benefits and challenges might emerge.e. Bath Half Marathon (organisation) utilises significant amount of water on run-day. Outline a range of approaches which might be operationalised to cut down on water use and waste (issue).f. Beckford’s Tower (organisation) is a small visitor attraction and museum with shop in Bath. Given its size, make recommendations as to what and how the museum might introduce sustainability into its operations (issue).Does my report have to be practical? How can you tell?Yes it has to be practical. You need to explain how it would work, how it could be implemented and why it is better than what is there today. The readers will assess its practicality based on what information you give them.FinallyThis assignment is intended to give you the chance to demonstrate your abilities in an area of interest to you in a way you may be able to use in the future. If you get stuck or are not sure of the best way forward don’t be afraid to ask.Learning outcome assessed:1. Evaluation of existing ideas and practices and suggest different ways forward;2. Detailed knowledge of the globally agreed goals for the future of global society to 2030;3. Critical engagement with the linkages between environmental, social and economic injustices and business practice;4. Critical review of good and best practice in relat??????????????????????ion to sustainable business leadership and management