Define the content analysis research method and explain its strengths and weaknesses. LGBTQI

Forms of social stratification (choose at least two): Age LGBTQIA+ (sexual orientation) Physical/mental health (count as one selection) Race/ethnicity (count as one selection) Religion Sex/gender (count as one selection) Social class **Organization: The final paper will include each of the following sections. Type each heading into your paper. Write your response below the heading in paragraph format. Multiple paragraphs may be used within each section.** I. Introduction (.5 – 1 page): Explain the objectives of the paper, define social stratification in your own words (what it is and its consequences). Define the content analysis research method and explain its strengths and weaknesses. II. Description (1 – 2 pages): Introduce the film selection (its genre, year of release, director), and briefly summarize it (e.g., major characters, plot, etc.). Identify the forms of stratification you have chosen for your analysis. Define and explain each of the concepts chosen (e.g., sex and gender; social class, etc.). Tip: Strive to be as objective as possible in your descriptions. Display a sociological, academic lens by describing the film as data for the content analysis research method, rather than the subject of a movie review. The purpose is to employ the sociological imagination to analyze the themes of social stratification in the film. III. Analysis (2.5 – 3 pages): In this section of the paper, respond to the following objectives/questions below displaying your sociological imagination. Aside from the concepts required in these instructions (i.e., social stratification and the two forms of stratification), choose at least two concepts from the Conerly et al. textbook (OpenStax) and use them accurately in your analysis. Tip: The sociological imagination connects the micro level (individuals/small groups) to the structure of society and the historical period portrayed in the film. Focus your attention on the film’s content (characters and their statuses, themes, locations, plot, historical period, etc.) as well as logical conclusions that may be drawn from this content regarding the portrayal of social stratification. a. How does the film portray the two forms of social stratification in characters, themes, locations, plot, etc.? In combination, how do these forms of stratification affect specific characters and situations in the film? For example, the experience of poverty varies for women and men due to the existence of sexism in our patriarchal (i.e., male-dominated) society. If you’re focusing on social class and sex/gender inequality, explain how these forms of inequality are shown in the film. Similarly, and a little more complex, the experience of poverty varies for LGBTQIA+ women and men depending upon their race/ethnicity. Tip: Analyze what/who you see as well as what/who you don’t see. Films can normalize specific groups, situations, and themes while either ignoring or stereotyping others. b. What social institutions are portrayed (i.e., economy, government, family structure, religion, education, mass media, health and medicine, criminal justice system, sports and recreation, science and technology)? Explain how they are portrayed with specific examples (e.g., a character being released from prison or attending college; a patriarchal, nuclear family portrayed in the film would reflect the cultural ideal in the family social institution, etc.). c. Finally, which theory best reflects the themes of social stratification shown in the film? See Chapter 9 for how the major sociological theories apply to social stratification (i.e., structural functionalism, social conflict, symbolic interactionism). The film might imply a theoretical perspective by statements made about the causes and consequences of stratification. For example, are the causes and consequences focused on the micro level (individuals/groups) and/or the macro level (social institutions)? How is this done in the film? Include specific examples of scenes from the film to justify your points (make sure to use proper citation if quoting lines verbatim). IV. Conclusion (.5 – 1 page): Summarize what you have learned about the portrayal of these forms of social stratification in the film selected. What does your analysis suggest regarding the portrayal of social stratification in American popular culture? V. References in APA, ASA or MLA format: At minimum, include your film, the Conerly et al. text, and your two peer-reviewed sources.