GCU Levels of Evidence Discussion

Respond to discussion below:The levels of evidence was created as a grading system to score the effectiveness of a particular intervention. An “A” was given as a grade if there was good evidence to support the intervention. It can be explained like a pyramid to rate how strong or weak the evidence is that supports the research. From the top of the pyramid to the bottom; systematic review is a summary of the review, meta-analysis is a quantitative process to examine independent results, randomized control trial randomly assigns groups during the research, control clinical trial compares effectiveness of medication by giving one group a placebo while the other receives the real medication, cohort study examines a population of people with a condition over time against a population of people without the condition, case control study is an epidemiologic study of people with and without a disease using a quantitative study, case series studies a demographic area of people who receive treatment, case study is a single person or unit that represents a group of people, editorial is the opinion or work of the author, opinion is a belief or conclusion of someone without evidence or proof, animal research uses a laboratory to experiment on animals to study the effects of treatments, and in vitro research is done in the laboratory outside the body.Practice change can be applied using evidence based practice; improving obesity in children. Systematic review will evaluate the intervention intended to be used to improve overall lifestyle habits. Meta-analysis will evaluate the data using quantitative process. A randomized control trial will randomly assign groups of children with and without obesity to be used during research. A control trial will compare the effectiveness of medications used or nutrition plans. A cohort study will exam children within healthy ranges against children with obesity to compare eating habits, exercise, and daily activities. A case study will be done on children within the demographic area to analyse why so many are obese to see if they are involved in extracurricular activities. The editorial will be included by the author/researcher based on findings in his or her opinion. The opinion on interventions working or not working can be formed by the researcher and anyone involved prior to data being collected with outcomes. Animal research can be used to compare different diets and exercise. In vitro would not apply here except to analyse data in the lab.McCarthy CM, Collins ED, Pusic AL. Where do we find the best evidence? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008;122:1942–1947

Leadership Training Webinar Discussion

Assignment 3: Leadership Training WebinarYour manager has asked you to develop training materials to help employees understand the role of leadership within your organization. Because there are remote employees in your organization, you will need to develop PowerPoint slides and speaker notes so that you can deliver this training as a webinar. Your manager expects you to be polished and ready to deliver a professional webinar and has asked you to submit a recording for her review prior to the live event. Use Strayer University Library at https://research.strayer.edu and the internet to research the topics for this webinar.You will create a PowerPoint slide show with narration and speaker notes. To do this, you will use Kaltura to record your screen as you show your slides and use your speaker notes to talk (screencast). Make time to practice!Create a PowerPoint Presentation Use Presenter ViewTop 10 Slide TipsTop 10 Best Practices When Using PowerPoint for PresentationsCreating and Submitting Video Assignments Using the Kaltura Desktop App InstructionsCreate a narrated PowerPoint presentation with four to eight (4-8) slides (1-2 slides per topic). Use the slides as well as the speaker notes feature to discuss each of the following leadership training topics:Motivation: Determine two (2) key ways in which a leader can motivate employees to achieve their goals for the organization. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker notes.Managerial Communication: Give three (3) recommendations for a leader to articulate and communicate his/her vision for the company to employees and other stakeholders. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker notes.Your PowerPoint presentation must be visually appealing and follow these formatting requirements:Use headings on each slide and at least one (1) related graphic (photographs, charts, clip art, etc.).Apply slide design best practices (minimal text, appropriate images/charts, and proper mechanics, grammar, and spelling) for an appropriately professional presentation. Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. Provide a References List in APA format on the last slide. The title and reference slides are not included in the required slide length.Include the speaker’s notes for each slide. Your speaker notes combined with your slide content must thoroughly address each of the topics in #1-#4 above.Use the Kaltura Desktop App to record your narrated presentation in which you use your speaker notes to record your delivery of the slides. You should convey a professional presence and tone in your delivery. Your videos should not be longer than 7 minutes to avoid technical difficulties with uploading.  

USU EASTERN Reform Impulse in 19th Century America Discussion

I just want you to responded to the response question that already answered and give some thought and examples to this:Question 2: What were the roots of the reform impulse that swept the nation by the mid-1800s? What were reformers trying to change about the nation and why?COLLAPSE         By the time the 19th century came around, the reformation of human society became prevalent and sought to fight the prejudice that America faced. The main idea of the reform impulse revolved around perfecting the people and their environment. The role of Women throughout this time was the most important of all; they became more involved due to the growing prosperity that allowed them to participate in more things outside the house. A female activist named Catharine Beecher created A Treatise on Domestic Economy which promoted “a powerful ideology that called upon women to celebrate their role as manager of the household and children” (Shi, 406), otherwise known as the cult of domesticity. This led to a very important event for women; at the Seneca Falls Convention, the Declaration of Sentiments was created and announced that all men and women are created equal. This time is known as the first of the many steps in the women’s rights movement. Another important woman named Susan B. Anthony believed in the temperance and anti-slavery movements and played a major role in the women’s fight for more rights. The movement of temperance aimed to reduce alcohol consumption in America. To solve this situation, the American Temperance Union was created and believed that “all liquor was evil and should be banned” and “called for abstinence from all alcoholic beverages” (Shi, 405). During the time of the reform, the people believed that if there was anything “wrong” or “immoral” it should be fixed. This included the improvement of public schools through Horace Mann’s new school that was supported by taxes and allowed everyone to be a part of it- no matter the race, class, or ethnicity. Just as we learned in Unit Six, there was still the battle between the north and south beliefs; although public schools were being reformed, the south still prevented enslaved Africans from learning to read or write. Because of the belief that life should be perfect at this time, Utopian communities were created that strived to be as perfect as they could be. Towns such as the Brook Farm grew out of the opinion that “plain living and high thinking were the essential element of his Utopian community” (Shi, 409). This event all revolved around the idea of Romanticism which was created b poets, writers, and philosophers who believed in a flawless moral American society.Shi, David E. America: The Essential Learning Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2018. Print.

GCU Effective Reward System Discussion

Respond to the discussion question below:The Levels of evidence is a tool that assists in prioritizing and validating the strength of the evidence provided in the research performed. It is generally performed in a pyramid shaped graph to elicit the weight of each measure. There are seven levels of evidence:Level VII is the bottom of the pyramid. It is based on the opinion of committees or respected authorities. An example would be; one group of surgeons at a local hospital that developed a standard of care, such as, using a particular brand of post-operative dressings on the surgical sites to prevent infection.Level VI is when research is developed for a qualitative study or a single descriptive study. An example would be; surgeons performed a study observing their patients surgical sites for signs and symptoms of infection and wound healing using a particular brand of post-operative dressing.Level V is a systematic review of descriptive and qualitative studies are performed. It identifies the sample group and the control group that have different outcomes and looks for the exposure of interest. An example would be; the surgeons have two groups of patients that they are using the same brand of post-operative dressings on and attempting to identify if the sample group who has a history of diabetes has a longer healing rate or post op infection over the control group.Level IV is the Cohort study that measures the sample group that receives the exposure of interest and a control group that does not. An example would be; the surgeons utilize the particular brand of post-operative dressing to the sample group and uses a non-descriptive post-operative dressing to the control group.Level III is the quasi-experimental study. It is a controlled study without randomization. An example would be; that all the surgeons in the hospital utilize a particular brand of post-operative dressings on all post-operative patients regardless of the medical history, to determine the benefits of decreased risk of infection and a reduced healing time.Leve II is a study where there is a randomized control trial performed at several different sites. An example would be; multiple hospitals in a city trial the particular brand of post-operative dressings on all surgical patients measuring their outcomes.Level I is at the top of the pyramid and is considered the highest standard. It is a meta-analysis of all the relevant randomized controlled studies, consisting or three or more, that have similar results. An example would be; the company that brands the post-operative dressing performs randomized trail studies throughout a particular state on the effectiveness of the post-operative dressing, for the reduction in wound healing time and decreased infection rate.Petticrew, H. (2009). Evidence, hierarchies, and typologies: horses for courses. Retrieved from Research Hub: Evidence Based Practice Toolkit: Levels of Evidence. (2017). Retrieved from

How has the American policing role been exercised? What are the consequences of the policing role?

The previous assignments focused on domestic matters in U.S. history. This last assignment explores America’s international role in recent decades. By the mid-20th century, the United States had become the dominant force in international relations. Some have argued that the United States’ military functions as the world’s “police.” In this paper focus on the period from 1950 to the present. The American international “policing” role developed because of the Cold War, but now terrorists or any power having or trying to get weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are the potential targets of such a role.  Examine the statements below and, drawing from provided sources, present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. Your paper will use specific examples—two from the Cold War years and two from the decades since 1991.NOTE:  The word “policing” here has nothing to do with traditional law enforcement agencies. It is more about trying to manage parts of the globe—usually by use of military force or the threat of it.  The aim of this management may be to maintain stability, remove threats of “rogue” forces or terrorists or weapons, prevent the expansion of autocratic rule, protect a fledgling democracy, etc.   Choose one of these position statements (make it the last sentence of your introductory paragraph):  THESIS STATEMENT 1: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clear that the international policing role and strategy of the United States was once essential, but should now be discarded as ineffective and counterproductive. THESIS STATEMENT 2: By examples from different decades since 1950, it is clear that the international policing role and strategy of the United States during the Cold War has become even more necessary in this period of terrorism and instability.  Plan to make that thesis statement the last sentence in your introductory paragraph.  The general subject is America’s international “policing” role as a superpower for the last 70-plus years.  You may moderate the wording slightly to fit more precisely the position you wish to take.  This is NOT a simple statement of a topic; it is a statement of a position you are taking about that topic.  p.s.—Valid arguments and “A” papers can be made with either thesis.  So, you choose the one you think is the stronger position. After giving general consideration to your readings and your research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues: Part 1:  Introductory paragraph with thesis statement.   Part 2:  FOUR EXAMPLES–To support your position, use four specific examples from different decades between 1950 and the present. However, two examples must be from the Cold War years (before 1991) and the other two examples must be from 1991 to the present.   Part 3:  Explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours.  The opposing view is the thesis statement you did not choose. Part 4:  Legacy today and conclusion.   Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession? This might be easy if you work in cyber security, criminal justice, IT, etc.  You can consider the legal impact of terrorism on the justice system, privacy issues, etc.  Even a business must now plan accordingly. Every profession now must have security safeguards, plan what to do with data, etc Length: The paper should be 500-to-750 words in length. Research and References: You must use a MINIMUM of four quality academic sources; the Schultz textbook must be one of them. The others must come from the list provided on the instructions sheet, or they must be quality sources you find in the university’s online library. This is guided research, not Googling.

Designing the Triangulation Approach to Address the Research Problem SLP

Module 4 – SLPSome of the words are clearly a part of their strategic mission and could be used to analyze transcripts from interviews later after you receive IRB approval.Here is an example using Dedoose to analyze transcripts on priorities in Information Security by Information Security Specialists. Here the scenario for this research is described to show you results from the Dedoose analysis.There were eleven propositions for insider threat for computer systems in an organization, and the propositions were evaluated in terms of importance and timing within an insider risk program. Seven volunteers participated in the research. The interviews were conducted over Zoom with the audio portion of the discussions recorded. Each of the participants was presented with the eleven propositions and discussed each in the interview. While the respondents are anonymous, Table 1 shows their demographics and role in setting up insider threat programs.Table 1Participant demographicsThe volunteers were recruited from the LinkedIn business networking platform. Over 70 individuals received invitations. Each invitation contained information about the purpose of the study, the fact that there would be a recorded interview, and that the research is carried out under applicable laws that govern research. The Informed Consent document was explained to prospective participants. Once they accepted the LinkedIn invitation, the respondents received a link to a Qualtrics survey containing the Informed Consent document. After they signed the Informed Consent form, it was possible to continue the research using the recorded interview. Of the 73 invitations sent, 25 of the individuals responded in the affirmative. Six withdrew their offer of participation, and others either did not sign the electronic copy of the Informed Consent or could not participate for some other reason. Seven volunteers were the final count of participants.The central discussion of the interviews was dictated by the research question and the eleven propositions. Those eleven propositions were predetermined as the overarching themes of the interviews. Each proposition was presented to the volunteers one at a time, and then the subject stated their judgments. By signing the informed consent, the subject agreed to the Zoom interview and to have the audio of the interview recorded. Recording the discussions allowed detailed analysis of the conversations using the Dedoose qualitative analysis tool.Transcription of audio data from the structured interviews occurred in three phases. In the first phase, the audio files underwent automatic transcription to text using a tool called Trint. The second transcription phase consisted of a transcriber listening to the MP3 audio files while reviewing the transcribed text and making corrections to inaccuracies. The third and final step was a second sweep of each text file to ensure that all the corrections had been made. The researcher and one assistant reviewed the transcribed text. The files underwent final validation by the researcher. After transcription of the audio and double-verification for accuracy, the text-based files were placed into Dedoose. Additionally, the demographic data regarding the participants was added as well.After putting the files into Dedoose, an inductive method was applied to the transcribed data for the data coding. The image below shows a visual example of the coding process. Each transcript was first open coded as the transcriber listens to the audio of the interview. Subsequent passes allowed for linking related ideas in the axial coding part of the analysis. Figure 5 shows an example of the coding process.Figure 5. Example of Open coding and Axial coding process in Dedoose.The responses to the 11 propositions were coded according to two criteria, the first criterion is the importance of the proposed practice, and the second criterion is the timeline of implementing the practice when setting up a new insider threat program. Coding of the remainder of the text files from each of the interviews consists of a three-step process. The steps were open coding, axial, and lastly selective coding.For this project, the 11 propositions provided a pre-existing framework of themes attached to each of the 11 propositions. One set deals with the importance of each proposition and another set deals with the timeliness of each proposition. These two frameworks were entered into Dedoose.Each of the codes for the two types or characteristics were weighted in a custom fashion. Because there are 11 proposed processes, each code got a weight range of 1 to 11. In Dedoose, the higher the number, the greater the weight. When coding the interview, the researcher can evaluate the mood, context, and emphasis when adding a code weight to an excerpt in the text of each discussion. Figure 6 shows a sample of how each code can be assigned a weight range.Figure 6. Weight range options set for coding in Dedoose, minimum weight 1, maximum weight 11. Analysis of the transcripts with the coding yielded these results in Dedoose in Table 2.Table 2These weights then can be used to interpret the interviews and to produce a graphical analysis.SLP Assignment ExpectationsFor your Background analysis, obtain a document from your firm such as a statement from the president, statement to the stockholders, strategic plan, or something of that sort. Then use the WordCloud addin for Word 2016. Here is a video to show you how to obtain the free Addin ProWordCloud: Now produce a WordCloud from the document you selected. Add to your Background a discussion of the results of the WordCloud and the areas identified. Discuss how these relate to the research question for your dissertation. You will NOT use Dedoose here because you can NOT collect any interviews until you have your IRB approval. If you want you can work on using Dedoose to analyze the document you just used to produce a WordCloud; however, this is not required.Add this to the growing work you have on the Background for the firm you are studying.Your assignment will be graded using the following criteria:Assignment-Driven Criteria: Student demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment.Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice: Student demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem and analyzing information. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to professional practice in an exceptional manner.Business Writing and Quality of References: Student demonstrates mastery and proficiency in written communication and use of appropriate and relevant literature at the doctoral level.Citing Sources: Student demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in text citations and the reference list.Professionalism and Timeliness: Assignments are submitted on time.Module 4 – BackgroundDesigning the Triangulation Approach to Address the Research ProblemFarrell, S. (2016). Project Management for user research: The plan. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from the Neilson/Norman Group website at Moylan, W. A. (2002). Planning and scheduling: The yin and yang of managing a project. Paper presented at Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium, San Antonio, TX. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from Rose, S., Spinks, N., & Canhoto, A. (2015). Research project planner template. From Management research: Applying the principles. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from Research methods and processes. (n.d.). In Encyclopedia of Management at the Reference for Business website. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from Stockberger, D. (2016). Introductory statistics: Concepts, models, and applications. Missouri State. Retrieved from Video MaterialLiaison in management: Definition & explanation. (n.d.). Retrieved from the Study.com website at McBride, T. (2014, February 23). Planning research projects [Video file]. University of Technology Sydney. Retrieved from Bern, P. (2015, April 23). Planning your research [Video file]. Syracuse University Libraries. Retrieved from Gibbs, G. R. (2010, June 11). Grounded Theory – Core Elements. Part 1 [Video file]. Retrieved from Gibbs, G. R. (2011, October 24). Coding part 1: Alan Bryman’s 4 stages of qualitative analysis [Video file]. Retrieved from Gibbs, G. R. (2011, October 24). Coding part 2: Thematic coding [Video file]. Retrieved from Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 1: Interviews and the Interview Society [Video file]. Retrieved from Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 2: The pros and cons of interviewing [Video file]. Retrieved from Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 3: Types of interviews [Video file]. Retrieved from Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 4: The interview schedule [Video file]. Retrieved from

UC Access Control Reflection

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

HIST 1305 HCCS The American Revolution Discussion

I’m studying and need help with a History question to help me learn. What was at stake in the American Revolution? How did a dispute over tax policy spiral so far out of control? And how do our four big themes: mobility, capitalism, democracy, and difference play out there? Also give me some examples from the textbook. What specifically can you present as evidence of these big themes?

Discuss the key decision criteria that IT managers need to examine to make an IT sourcing decision.

Discuss the key decision criteria that IT managers need to examine to make an IT sourcing decision.Forum rules:Post your answer to the forum questions by 11:59pm EST on Thursday Your answer must be substantive, which usually requires 300 words or moreYour answer must include one properly formatted APA in-text citation to a scholarly reference. The full reference must be provided at the end of your answer with a link if one is available. 

locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.

locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.Topics:Chapter 10: Developing Accountability in Risk Management: The British Columbia Lottery Corporation Case Study Chapter 11: Starting from Scratch: The Evolution of ERM at the Workers’ Compensation Fund Please create trail account free for 15days to access chapters mentioned above.Thanks.