Are multinational corporations obligated to pay a living wage when doing business internationally?

For the second paper you can write on any of the themes we investigated following your first paper. These themes include, international sweatshops, distributive justice, advertising, employee rights and worker safety. You must draw from at least 2 authors in addressing one of the above essay topics. • Are multinational corporations obligated to pay a living wage when doing business internationally? Discuss with reference to the papers by Maitland and Donaldson • Libertarians and liberals disagree over what constitutes a just distribution of wealth. With reference to the papers by Nozick and Rawls critically assess the question regarding whether redistributive taxation is just. (You can also bring Locke and Marx into the analysis.) • How much information is an advertiser obligated to disclose to a customer in selling a product? Discuss with reference to Carr, Machan and Arrington? • Does advertising violate consumer autonomy? Discuss with reference to Arrington and Kilbourne. (You can also bring Payne into the discission). • Do you think the employment at will doctrine is morally justified? Discuss with reference to Epstein and Werhane. • Do employees have a right to occupational safety? Discuss with reference to Machan and Spurgin. The idea is to write an argumentative essay, whereby you: (i) State your thesis explicitly (‘My goal in this paper is to…’). (ii) Explicate the text (identifying, contrasting, and discussing the arguments made by the authors you are examining, and which relate to your thesis). (iii) Provide analysis (with a view to supporting your thesis) The paper should be double spaced, 6 pages long. Do Not Plagiarize.