With recent advances in technology, scientists are able to manipulate and alter genes in different organisms. This is obviously a very controversial and somewhat ethical issue. However, the advances continue, many of which go unseen or unnoticed by the public. Do you know how many of the foods that you eat that have been genetically altered? Do you know where or how animals have been genetically altered to benefit mankind?

With recent advances in technology, scientists are able to manipulate and alter genes in different organisms. This is obviously a very controversial and somewhat ethical issue. However, the advances continue, many of which go unseen or unnoticed by the public. Do you know how many of the foods that you eat that have been genetically altered? Do you know where or how animals have been genetically altered to benefit mankind? We will explore three separate issues in this discussion that deal with organisms which have been genetically altered and/or modified.You should then make at least two additional posts to other students on either topic.Select ONE of the following discussion topics to write on for your Initial post to the Week 4 Discussion.