What are 2 specific areas within your community that you could make an impact in regard to removing barriers?

APA format
1) Minimum 17 pages  (No word count per page)-   Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum of three paragraphs per page ( minimum 300 words per page)
You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.  
The number of words in each paragraph should be similar
Part 1: minimum 2 (Due 20 hours)
Part 2: minimum 3 (Due 48 hours)
Part 3: minimum 2 (Due 20 hours)
Part 4: minimum 1 page  (Due 48 hours)
Part 5: minimum 1 page  (Due 48 hours)
Part 6: minimum 1 page  (Due 48 hours)
Part 7: minimum  1 page (Due 48 hours)
Part 8: minimum  2 pages (Due 20 hours)
Part 9: minimum 2 pages  (Due 20 hours)
Part 10: minimum 2 pages  (Due 20 hours) 
Submit 1 document per part
2)¨******APA norms
        The number of words in each paragraph should be similar
        Must be written in the third person
         All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph
         The writing must be coherent, using connectors or conjunctive to extend, add information, or contrast information. 
         Bulleted responses are not accepted
         Don’t write in the first person 
  Do not use subtitles or titles      
         Don’t copy and paste the questions.
         Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph
Submit 1 document per part
3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks) 
********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)
4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years  (Journals, books) (No websites)
All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed 
5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next
Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX
Q 2. Health is XXXX
Q3. Research is…………………………………………………. (a) The relationship between……… (b) EBI has to
6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering: 
Part 1.doc 
Part 2.doc
Part 1: Diversity in Healthcare (20 hours)
Mr. Perez is a 76-year-old Mexican American who was recently diagnosed with a slow heartbeat requiring an implanted pacemaker. Mr. Perez has been married for 51 years and has 6 adult children (three daughters aged 50, 48, and 42; three sons aged 47, 45, and 36), 11 grandchildren; and 2 great grandchildren. The youngest boy lives three houses down from Mr. and Mrs. Perez. The other children, except the second-oldest daughter, live within 3 to 10 miles from their parents. The second-oldest daughter is a registered nurse and lives out of state. All members of the family except for Mr. Perez were born in the United States. He was born in Monterrey, Mexico, and immigrated to the United States at the age of 18 in order to work and send money back to the family in Mexico. Mr. Perez has returned to Mexico throughout the years to visit and has lived in Texas ever since. He is retired from work in a machine shop.
Mr. Perez has one living older brother who lives within 5 miles. All members of the family speak Spanish and English fluently. The Perez family is Catholic, as evidenced by the religious items hanging on the wall and prayer books and rosary on the coffee table. Statues of St. Jude and Our Lady of Guadalupe are on the living room table. Mr. and Mrs. Perez have made many mandas (bequests) to pray for the health of the family, including one to thank God for the healthy birth of all the children, especially after the doctor had discouraged them from having any more children after the complicated birth of their first child. The family attends Mass together every Sunday morning and then meets for breakfast chorizo at a local restaurant frequented by many of their church’s other parishioner families. Mr. Perez believes his health and the health of his family are in the hands of God.
 The Perez family lives in a modest four-bedroom ranch home that they bought 22 years ago. The home is in a predominantly Mexican American neighborhood located in the La Loma section of town. Mr. and Mrs. Perez are active in the church and neighborhood community. The Perez home is usually occupied by many people and has always been the gathering place for the family. During his years of employment, Mr. Perez was the sole provider for the family and now receives social security checks and a pension. Mrs. Perez is also retired and receives a small pension for a short work period as a teacher’s aide. Mr. and Mrs. Perez count on their nurse daughter to guide them and advise on their health care.
 Mr. Perez visits a curandero for medicinal folk remedies. Mrs. Perez is the provider of spiritual, physical, and emotional care for the family. In addition, their nurse daughter is always present during any major surgeries or procedures. Mrs. Perez and her daughter the nurse will be caring for Mr. Perez during his procedure for a pacemaker.
1. Explain the significance of family and kinship for the Perez family (One paragraph)
2. Describe the importance of religion and God for the Perez family (One paragraph)
3. Identify two stereotypes about Mexican Americans that were dispelled in this case with the Perez family (Two paragraphs)
4. What is the role of Mrs. Perez in this family? (Two paragraphs)
Part 2: Diversity in Healthcare (24 hours)
Topic: Cultural Interview Assignment
Culture: Ruman
Interviewee:  Women
Suppose you did these questions to the Ruman woman (Interviewee)
Do you find it difficult to share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with family? Friends? Health-care providers?
What is your primary language?
Family Roles and Organization
What types of decisions do(es) the female(s) in your family make?
What should children do to make a good impression for themselves and for the family?
Workforce Issues
What concerns do you have about working with someone of the opposite gender?
What do you do when you do not know how to do something related to your job?
Biocultural Ecology
What are the major illnesses and diseases in your family?
What are the major health problems in the country from which you come (if appropriate)?
High-Risk Health Behaviors
How much alcohol do you drink each day? Ask about wine, beer, spirits, coffee, energy drinks.
What precautions do you take to prevent getting a sexually transmitted infection/HIV?
Make a literature review of the cultural group from which your interviewee comes. 
1. Introduction about the topic (One paragraph)
2. Explain the Ruman cultural status in the USA (One paragraph)
3. Compare data from your interview with what you find in the literature. (One paragraph)
4. Contrast data obtained from your interview with what you find in the literature. (One paragraph)
5. Provide three recommendations for clinical practice (One paragraph)
6. Provide three  recommendations for research (One paragraph)
 7. Provide three recommendations for the health-care organization on this cultural group; be specific in your recommendations. (One paragraph)
8. Explain the value of this exercise to your current or future practice.(One paragraph)
9. Conclusion(One paragraph)
Part 3: Psychopathology (20 hours)
Jax is a 66-year-old Caucasian female whose wife has encouraged her to seek treatment. She has never been in therapy before, and has no history of depression or anxiety. However, her alcohol use has recently been getting in the way of her marriage, and interfering with her newly-retired life. She describes drinking increasing amounts over the last year, currently consuming approximately a six-pack of beer per day. She notes that this amount “doesn’t give me the same buzz as it used to.” She denies ever experiencing “the shakes” or any other withdrawal symptoms if she skips a day of drinking.
Jax comments that her wife is her biggest motivation to decrease her alcohol use. She tells Jax that she gets argumentative and irritable when she drinks, though she does not always remember these incidents. She has also fallen while intoxicated twice, causing bruises both times and hitting her head on one of the occasions.
1. Describe the presenting problems/issues (One paragraph). 
a. Is there any information that was not provided that you would need to formulate a diagnosis?
3. Generate a primary using (Give rational) (Two paragraphs)
a. DSM5 (One paragraph)
b.  ICD 10(One paragraph)
4. Generate three differential diagnosis using  (Give rational) (Two paragraphs)
a.  DSM5 (three differential diagnosis)  (One paragraph) 
b. ICD 10 (three differential diagnosis)  (One paragraph) 
5. Explain what processes lead to substance dependence according to  (One paragraph) 
a. Physiological 
b.  psychological
Part 4: Writing and rhetorical (Write in the first person) (Due 48 hours)
Five paragraphs per page
Specific audience:  Female sex workers and Sex work activists
Research Question
Could legally recognizing female sex work in Florida increase the health indicator of this population due to free access to the health system?
Support Question
Can the quality of life of female sex workers be improved by allowing free access to the health system?
Could legalizing female sex work improve the quality of life of this population?
Could sexually transmitted diseases be preventable in sex workers if they have access to sex education?
Would the legalization of female sex work offer health resources for STD evaluation?
Source 1: 
Source 2:
1. Explain your current research question and (One paragraph)
a. why you see this question as important to this particular audience.
i.   Female sex workers
ii.  Sex work activists 
2. What specifically about your research is valuable, significant, and/or impactful to this audience? (One paragraph) 
a. How does/will your research impact some aspect of their lives?  
i. Include a personal impact, professional impact, cultural impact, political impact, or something else. 
3. Describe some of the research you’ve done so far and how this is  (One paragraph)
a. Focus on the particular idea(s) and source(s) that you think will be especially relevant to this particular audience.  
4. Summary the sources (One paragraph)
a. Source 1 (Check File 1)
B. Source 2  (Check File 2)
5. Explain to your audience where you plan to go next with your research. What ideas do you plan on exploring?  (One paragraph)
a. How will the next steps in your research help you to find answers/solutions to your research question?
Part 5: Writing and rhetorical (Write in the first person) (48 hours)
Five paragraphs per page
Specific audience:  Students and parents
Research Question
 It is possible that implementing a mental health program for students ages 11-17 in Florida high schools could reduce the incidence of shootings in schools?
Support Questions:
Can adolescent mental health programs reduce violence?
Is there a relationship between violent behaviors and the mental health of high school students?
Can the implementation of a mental intervention in students from 11 to 17 years reduce the events of shootings in school?
Can school shootings reduce after implementing a mental health intervention in a student from 11 to 17 years old?
Source 1:
Source 2:
1. Explain your current research question and (One paragraph)
a. why you see this question as important to this particular audience.
i. Students
ii. Parents
2. What specifically about your research is valuable, significant, and/or impactful to this audience? (One paragraph) 
a. How does/will your research impact some aspect of their lives?  
i. Include a personal impact, professional impact, cultural impact, political impact, or something else. 
3. Describe some of the research you’ve done so far and how this is  (One paragraph)
a. Focus on the particular idea(s) and source(s) that you think will be especially relevant to this particular audience.  
4. Summary the sources (One paragraph)
a. Source 1  (Check File 1)
B. Source 2  (Check File 2)
5. Explain to your audience where you plan to go next with your research. What ideas do you plan on exploring?  (One paragraph)
a. How will the next steps in your research help you to find answers/solutions to your research question?
Part 6: Recreational Therapy (Writ in the first person)
Four paragraphs per page
Practice setting: Pediatrics  
1. Guest speaker’s background (One paragraph)
a. Description of the agency they work at
2. Explain:(One paragraph)
a. What populations are served
b. Types of activities that are offered
c. General job responsibilities
3. Summary of what was mentioned about the APIED process(One paragraph)
 (Assessment, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Documentation) 
a. How this is implemented at their workplace
4. What do you learned about the other agencies (One paragraph)
a. RT at Blythedale Children’s Hospital
b. RT at Parkridge Valley, Children & Adolescent Campus
c. RT at Shriner’s Hospital for Children
Part 7: Recreational Therapy (Writ in the first person)
Four paragraphs per page
Practice setting:  Geriatrics 
1. Guest speaker’s background(One paragraph)
a. Description of the agency they work at
2. Explain:(One paragraph)
a. What populations are served
b. Types of activities that are offered
c. General job responsibilities
3. Summary of what was mentioned about the APIED process(One paragraph)
 (Assessment, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Documentation) 
a. How this is implemented at their workplace
4. What do you learned about the other agencies(One paragraph)
a. RT at Sterling (Independent and Assisted Living)
b. RT at Interior Health (Adult Day Training for Older Adults)
c. RT at St. John’s Home
Part 8: Inclusive recreation services (Writ in the first person)

1. Explain three main points that the podcast discussed (One paragraph)
2. What barriers were discussed in regard to making the recreation are discussed accessible to all?(One paragraph)
3. What are 2 specific areas within your community that you could make an impact in regard to removing barriers? (One paragraph)
a. Programmatic
b. Psychological
c.  Architectural
4. John Scalzi wrote an entry titled “Being Poor”Links to an external site. on his Blog Whatever back in 2005 where to offered over 60 examples of what it means to be poor. 

Being Poor

Select 5 examples that Scalzi gave and write your reaction to those  (One paragraph)
a.  write your reaction
b.  write your reaction
c.  write your reaction
d.  write your reaction
e.  write your reaction
5. As leisure professionals, why do we need to address about this barrier? (One paragraph)
6. What would you tell your children if you could not afford to enroll them in baseball, ballet, camp, or swimming lessons?(One paragraph)
Part 9: Inclusive recreation services (Writ in the first person)

1. Explain three main points that the podcast discussed (One paragraph)
2. What barriers were discussed in regard to making the recreation are discussed accessible to all?(One paragraph)
3. What are 2 specific areas within your community that you could make an impact in regard to removing barriers? (One paragraph)
a. Programmatic
b. Psychological
c.  Architectural
4. John Scalzi wrote an entry titled “Being Poor”Links to an external site. on his Blog Whatever back in 2005 where to offered over 60 examples of what it means to be poor. 

Being Poor

Select 5 examples that Scalzi gave and write your reaction to those  (One paragraph)
a.  write your reaction
b.  write your reaction
c.  write your reaction
d.  write your reaction
e.  write your reaction
5. As leisure professionals, why do we need to address about this barrier? (One paragraph)
6. What would you tell your children if you could not afford to enroll them in baseball, ballet, camp, or swimming lessons?(One paragraph)
Part 10: Psychopharmacology (20 hours)
Topic:  Antipsychotic Agents 
Medication: risperidone (Risperdal)
1. Discuss (Two paragraphs)
a. Use
b. Potential side effects
c. Dosing
d. Mechanism of action
e. Receptors it affects in the brain.
2. Compare: Tardive Dyskinesia, Acute Dystonia, Athetosis, and Tics.  (Two paragraphs)
3. Contrast Tardive Dyskinesia, Acute Dystonia, Athetosis, and Tics. (Two paragraphs)