Identify a technological tool that would improve the efficiency, transparency, or accountability of your agency.

CJ 305 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Analyze considerations for implementation and use of technology in professional practice


You have been working at a large metropolitan law enforcement agency for some time and have recently received a promotion that has taken you to a much smaller agency. After your ?rst few

months on the job, you have noticed that your new agency could bene?t from adopting technology you are familiar with from your previous agency. You are preparing to pitch your request for

this technology to your chief and the research and development division of your agency.


In this assignment, you will create a pitch for the adoption of a new technology at your agency based on the tools you have explored in this course. Create a presentation with speaker notes

that addresses the following required elements. Your presentation should be at least eight slides in length, not including introduction and reference slides.

1. Identify a technological tool that would improve the ef?ciency, transparency, or accountability of your agency.
Identify a technological tool that would improve the ef?ciency, transparency, or accountability of your agency.

A. Explain what the tool is and how it is used.

B. Describe the bene?t its adoption would have for your agency.

2. Describe the pros and cons of implementing your selected technological tool.

3. Evaluate how other agencies are using this type of tool.

A. Research how another larger agency is currently using the tool.

B. Provide a real-world example.

C. Describe the bene?ts and/or challenges of your example agency’s adoption.

4. Describe the policy you would need to create to guide usage of the technological tool in the ?eld for your agency.

A. Research similar policies in use by other agencies.

B. Describe why it is important to create this type of policy.

What to Submit


To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Presentation: New Technology Adoption Pitch

Your presentation should be at least eight slides in length, not including introduction and reference slides. It should also contain speaker notes. Any sources should be cited according to APA


Project Two Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro?cient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Articulation of Response Exceeds pro?ciency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Clearly conveys meaning with

correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling,

demonstrating an

understanding of audience and


Shows progress toward

pro?ciency, but with errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, negatively

impacting readability

Submission has critical errors in

grammar, sentence structure,

and spelling, preventing

understanding of ideas


Technological Tool Exceeds pro?ciency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Identi?es a technological tool

that would improve the

ef?ciency, transparency, or

accountability of the smaller


Shows progress toward

pro?ciency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

details on the tool and how it is

used or the bene?t of its


Does not attempt criterion 20

Pros and Cons Exceeds pro?ciency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Describes the pros and cons of

implementing the selected

technological tool

Shows progress toward

pro?ciency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

details on the pros or cons of

the technological tool

Does not attempt criterion 20

Other Agencies Exceeds pro?ciency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Evaluates how other agencies

are using this type of tool

Shows progress toward

pro?ciency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

details on how other agencies

are using the tool

Does not attempt criterion 20

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Pro?cient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Strategies for


Exceeds pro?ciency in an

exceptionally clear, insightful,

sophisticated, or creative


Describes the policy you would

need to create to guide use of

the technological tool in the

?eld for the smaller agency

Shows progress toward

pro?ciency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for

improvement may include

details on similar policies used

by other agencies or why it is

important to create this type of


Does not attempt criterion 20

Citations and Attributions Uses citations for ideas

requiring attribution, with few

or no minor errors

Uses citations for ideas

requiring attribution, with

consistent minor errors

Uses citations for ideas

requiring attribution, with

major errors

Does not use citations for ideas

requiring attribution


Total: 100%