Critically Explain three main approaches (Embedded SQL Approach, Library of Classes and Function Calls Approach, Database Programming Language Approach) of database programming. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
Explain three main approaches (Embedded SQL Approach, Library of Classes and Function Calls Approach, Database Programming Language Approach) of database programming. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

The Embedded SQL Approach involves the use of SQL statements within a host programming language such as C, Java or Python, allowing developers to create dynamic database applications.

The Library of Classes and Function Calls Approach uses pre-defined classes and functions to interact with the database, with libraries such as Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Python’s Python Database API (DB-API) providing a standardized interface between the programming language and the database.

The Database Programming Language Approach uses programming languages specifically designed for database programming, such as SQL, PL/SQL and T-SQL, allowing developers to create and manage databases entirely within the programming language.

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