Critically analyse the key arguments advanced by Zach Leggett and justify and evidence your argument as to whether you agree or not with his conclusion

Zach Leggett in his case comment, .Leggett Z. Court of Appeal: Theft: Appropriation through submitting false claims? Darroux v R [2018] EWCA Crim 1009. The Journal of Criminal Law. 2018;82(4):287-291, discusses the case of Darroux and the issue of appropriation of property.

In his case comment, Zach Leggett provides a clear and thorough analysis of the Darroux case and the issue of appropriation of property. He argues that the submission of a false claim can constitute an act of appropriation under the Theft Act 1968, and that the defendant’s conduct in this case met the criteria for appropriation. Leggett’s arguments are well-supported by his references to case law and legal principles, and his conclusion is logical and convincing.

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