Analyze the following paragraph from the “In the Land of the Free” in terms of its description and Far’s language choices overall. Why would Far start her description of the missionary school in such a manner?

 Analyze the following paragraph from the “In the Land of the Free” in terms of its description and Far’s language choices overall. Why would Far start her description of the missionary school in such a manner? Why does Far use a bird reference at the end, why the reference to “forget[ting]” and memory overall, and how does this section fit into the larger narrative of the piece? Be sure to treat this like a mini essay in terms of structure.  “The room was filled with children, — mostof them wee tots, but none so wee as her own.The mission woman talked as she walked.She told Lae Choo that little Kim, as he hadbeen named by the school, was the pet of theplace, and that his little tricks and waysamused and delighted every one. He hadbeen rather difficult to manage at first andhad cried much for his mother; “but childrenso soon forget, and after a month he seemedquite- at home and played around as brightand happy as a bird.”