Practitioner Research Proposal Essay


*Please see attached for FAQs about the assessment (you may find it useful) and marking criteria*

In this essay, you are invited to deal with the broad question of how an educational practitioner can monitor an impact of their work. This is of importance as practitioners steeped in understanding of their actual impact are in better position to

(1) modify their approach when needed and (2) demonstrate this impact to others (stakeholders, government, …)

Part 1 (max 1250 words): A critical analysis of the contribution of practitioner research to informing policy and/or

practice in education.

• Considering your interest as a practitioner (or as one entering the teaching profession), choose one particular approach to

practitioner research (e.g., action learning).

• Select and analyse several specific studies, relevant to your interest, in which this research approach was used. *You have to set a context. See below for some context and research questions examples.*

• Report how these studies advanced the questions of your interest, and which problems of practice are still wide open.

Part 2 (max 1250 words): Practitioner research proposal.

• Describe how you would use the practitioner research approach you chose in Part 1 to inform and grow your professional


• What would count as meaningful change (impact) for you, and

• How you would know whether (or to what extent) you achieved the desired change.

Throughout the essay, remember to draw on (and demonstrate) your understandings of some of the issues from core

course literature, such as

• stakeholder voices,

• the purposes of education,

• audience for the practitioner research findings,

• equity and social justice.

Context and Research Questions Examples (Just examples):

1. How can I change my teaching of [subject that you’re interest in] so that I support my year 8 students in developing critical thinking skills?

2. How can I make maths more relevant for primary Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander students?

How can I empower primary students to learn maths through self-expression which values the students’ current cultural knowledge’.

3. How can I better include marginalised students in classroom activities in my [subject or area that you’re interested in] classroom?

Passage Analysis test on Animal Farm By: George Orwell


Passage Analysis test on Animal Farm By: George Orwell 


Quotation Analysis Test – Animal Farm by George Orwell

Indicate why the following quotes would be identified as important to the story.  Consider any major themes or concepts that relate and be sure to include a character  (10 marks x 4 = 40 marks AP)


  1. “Our Leader, Comrade Napoleon, (…) has stated categorically – categorically, comrade – that Snowball was Jones’s agent from the very beginning – yes, and long before the Rebellion was ever thought of.”                                                    ____/10


  1. “If you have your lower animals to contend with…We have our lower classes.”




  1. “Clover looked down at the hillside, her eyes full of tears (…). These scenes of terror and slaughter were not what they had looked forward to on that night when Old Major first stirred them to rebellion.”                                                                    ____/10



  1. “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.” ____/10




Why should we care about smoking?


This should be a researched essay that presents an argument connected to or inspired by the subject you chose for your exploratory research paper, that takes a stance, advances that stance with evidence, objectively summarizes counterarguments, and offers a rebuttal of those counterarguments.

The final draft should be, at minimum 2,000 words (approximately 8 pages — although only word count is checked).

The minimum number of academic sources cited should be no less than 8.

The research paper should be formatting using APA style, 6th or 7th edition guidelines.

A title page and a reference page should be submitted in addition to the research paper.

*Note: Word count and page count does not include the title page or references list.

What is the effect of the demyelization on the nerves of an individual who has Multiple Sclerosis?


Week 5: Discussion*


Answer the following questions, using the case study below:

Neurologic System: Multiple Sclerosis

Discussion Assignment:

  • What is the effect of the demyelization on the nerves of an individual who has Multiple Sclerosis?
  • Why are the medications appropriate?
  • Why do you think females are at greater risk for MS?

Case Study:

Patient: Myrtle, Newly Diagnosed, (25 years old)

Social History:   Homeless, Unemployed, Single,

Nonsmoker; no ETOH (ETOH is an acronym for ethyl alcohol); no illicit drugs

On line college student-struggles to understand material


2006: blurred & double vision

2013: Double vision; urinary urgency; poor attention

2012: Numbness in both legs

Diagnosis: RRMS – Relapse-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

      • (2 episodes of neurological symptoms referable to the CNS, separated in space and in time)
      • Memory problems past 6 months; fatigue; heat intolerance; problems with balance
      • Prevalence by Cognitive Domains
      • Memory 40%
      • Information Processing 35%
      • Attention/concentration 30%
      • Problem Solving 20%
      • Visuospastial Abilities 20%
      • Verbal fluency 10%
      • Multiple domains (average) 22%

Supporting the Diagnosis:

      • Findings on exam:
        • left INO internuclear ophthalmoplegia abbreviation: INO Loss of the normal paired movements of the eyes when tracking an object to the left or right. An INO is marked by the failure of one eye, e.g., the left, to cross the midline during an attempt to see an object on the opposite side of the body, e.g., the right.
        • vertical nystagmus (a repetitive, involuntary, to-and-fro oscillation of the eyes. It may be physiological or pathological and may be congenital or acquired.),
        • right ptosis,
        • MRI Brain and T spine:
          • Multiple enhancing white matter lesions
          • High T2 signal in the right optic nerve
          • Rim enhancing lesion at T6-7CSF
          • Bands notes in CSF and not in serum


  • IM Interferon beta-1a
  • Gabapentin 300mg tid
  • Oxybutynin Chloride 5mg tid


demonstrate how to use a source within a text. Select an article of your choice and read through it a few times.


For this discussion, you will demonstrate how to use a source within a text. Select an article of your choice and read through it a few times. Then, post the link and the following :

A summary of the article (a strong paragraph for this is adequate)

A paraphrase of a part of the article, according to APA guidelines

A direct quote, taken from the section that you paraphrased, according to APA guidelines

These are three formats for including your source within your writings. Use the APA guidelines, the APA 7th edition manual, or online resources to assist you with proper formatting.

Here is the Purdue OWL guide for APA: (Links to an external site.)

Here is an APA citation generator:

“The United Kingdom (UK) has left the European Union (EU) and will once again be free to make its own laws, post the Brexit Transition period. Some argue that the UK’s parliamentary sovereignty was indeed undermined by the EU and that the UK has finally got back its independence.” Discuss this statement.


You are therefore required to write a report based on the question provided. You will be assessed on your content, research / referencing, application of legal rules, analysis / application and presentation skills.


“The United Kingdom (UK) has left the European Union (EU) and will once again be free to make its own laws, post the Brexit Transition period. Some argue that the UK’s parliamentary sovereignty was indeed undermined by the EU and that the UK has finally got back its independence.”

Discuss this statement.

In your answer refer to relevant court decisions to support your arguments.

Please have a look at this document which you may use to help with your answer –

LENGTH 1500 words maximum

Please note the following when completing your written assignment:

1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style

2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.

3. Formatting: Report

4. Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.

5. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.

The use of a range of information sources is expected – academic books, peer reviewed journal articles, professional articles, press releases and newspaper articles, reliable statistics, company annual reports and other company information. All referencing should be in the Harvard style.

GFP Protein purification from recombinant vector in E coli cell

GFP Purification from recombinant pQE30 vector inside E.Coli Cell
The abstract
It should be descriptive and specific, essentially “my topic in a nutshell”.
Should be understood separately from the report itself and covers the following: What was done?
Why was it done? How was it done? What was found? What is the significance of the findings?
The introduction should present appropriate background material, supported by references. It
should include a statement regarding the major aim/objective(s) of this report.
Experimental Procedures
This report does not warrant a separate section for Materials – describe reagents and apparatus if
needed within the text.
The experimental procedures (Methods) should include all the five major lab modules that were
carried out this semester (you may choose to combine content as you see fit if it is cohesive) as
well as incorporate the methods related to the additional data you have been provided.
Most methods sections are organized under subheadings. If you do use subheadings, make them
functional (e.g., Subcloning the GFP Open Reading Frame) rather than chronological (e.g., Prac 2).
This section should be written in past-tense format and in a concise style to reflect the key
experimental information needed to understand what was done. Use references to key original
citations (e.g., Inoue method for preparing competent cells, Promega Wizard kits for DNA clean up
or minipreps, etc.) but do not reference the practical manual.
1. Cloning of GFP
• PCR amplification GFP open reading frame • Analysis by DNA agarose gel electrophoresis •
Restriction enzyme digestion
2. Restriction enzyme digestions and ligations
• Purification and quantification of digested DNA • Ligation reactions
3. Competent cells and transformation
• Preparation of competent E. coli cells
• Transformation of DNA construct into E. coli cells
4. Cloning confirmation and GFP induction
• Confirmation of clones visually
• Preparation of plasmid DNA from transformed colonies
• Analysis by restriction enzyme digestion and agarose gel electrophoresis
5. Expression and purification of recombinant GFP
• Protein induction and expression in bacteria
• Purification using immobilised metal affinity chromatography
• Analysis by SDS-PAGE
Experimental workflow of GFP Purification from recombinant vector in E.coli.
Amplification of GFP insert by PCR
Ligation of insert into plasmid vector
Propagation of plasmid
2.Protein expression. Purification of plasmid
Induction of GFP protein expression in bacteria. Restriction analysis
Protein Purification

Verification by SDS-PAGE
Verification by Western blotting
In this section, the data should be related back to the literature, ideas presented in the
Introduction and the original aims.
The Discussion should demonstrate a clear understanding of the work through critical analysis and
interpretation of the experimental outcomes and implications. This could include the following
(among others): comparison between observed and expected data – e.g. why was Vent DNA
polymerase used, analysis of PCR product size, ligation reactions, transformation outcomes,
restriction digest analysis to screen for positive colonies); how control reactions were used or
could have been incorporated (e.g. for the PCR amplification of the GFP ORF); how qualitative data
(i.e. SDS-PAGE results) can be enhanced by quantitative protein purification (based on the protein
assays and fold-purification exercise) and qualitative (e.g. Western blot) data acquisition. Any
aberrant data is pointed out and explained logically (if applicable).
You must discuss the additional data provided. Can you probe this data further and rationalize in
the context of your other data? You should discuss the future directions of this work and how
further purification could be achieved. Include at least one modification or addition to the
protocol based on your results which could be incorporated post purification by IMAC and at least
one modification or addition to the protocol which could be incorporated pre purification by

Business problem


Describe the research you would conduct during the course of your DBA regarding the role refugees played in the American business landscape, their role, influence, significant contributions, and the challenges/discrimination they faced.

Using a Web browser, perform some research on a newer malware variant that has been reported by a major malware containment vendor.

Using a Web browser, perform some research on a newer malware variant that has been reported by a major malware containment vendor. Using a search engine, go to the vendor’s Web site; this could be Symantec, McAfee, or any of their competitors. Visit one malware prevention software vendor. Search for the newest malware variants and pick one. Note its name and try to understand how it works. Now look for information about that same malware from at least one other vendor. Were you able to see this malware at both vendors? If so, are there any differences in how they are reported between the two vendors?